Strong Advocacy For Victims Of Head And Brain Injuries

A person gets only one brain. There are no restorative surgeries, and there are no transplants. Likewise, brain injury victims and their families get only one chance to recover the compensation they are entitled to for the damages they have suffered as a result of negligence.

How can you make sure you maximize the compensation you need for pain and suffering, medical expenses, rehabilitation, in-home care, equipment, lost earnings and other damages now and in the future? The first step is making sure you have an attorney who is capable of reviewing the facts, building a strong case and taking on the insurance company on your behalf.

You will find such attorneys at Restovich Braun & Associates in Rochester, Minnesota. Our goal is to make sure that brain injury survivors and their families have the resources necessary to put their lives back together. Things may never be the same again, but we want to make sure things are as close to normal as possible once your case has been resolved through a settlement or a jury award.

Determining The True Costs Of A Brain Injury

In order to get the full amount of compensation, you must first understand what you truly have lost and will continue to lose as a result of your serious injury. This is where you can benefit from our experienced attorneys and the access we have to professional experts such as life care planners, economists, physical therapists and physicians.

We will build the strongest possible case around your traumatic brain injury claim, and make sure the insurance company is not allowed to muddy the waters in order to avoid responsibility.

Does Your Loved One Seem ‘Off’?

Brain injury symptoms are not as obvious as other injuries, and they can take time to develop. If something just doesn’t seem right about your family member, it is important to seek medical treatment to rule out a brain injury. If brain trauma has occurred, we can help. Contact us online or call 507-218-2004 today for a free consultation with a lawyer.