Getting The Compensation You Need To Get Back Up After A Slip And Fall

A failure to keep snow and ice clear of sidewalks and parking lots is more than just tacky, it can be downright dangerous during our harsh winters.

If you have been injured due to a slip or fall, it is important to speak to a personal injury attorney about your rights, which may include pursuing a personal injury claim to obtain compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost earnings and other damages.

At Restovich Braun & Associates, we have what it takes to achieve success in this complex area of the law. Premises liability cases can be difficult, but our thorough investigations, strong negotiating skills and trial acumen can make all the difference in maximizing the compensation you need to put your life back together after suffering an injury.

What Is Required Of Property Owners?

The key to any premises liability claim is demonstrating that a property owner knew or should have known about a dangerous situation and failed to correct the problem or notify the public of the problem.

Examples include failing to prevent or remedy icy sidewalks, failure to display a “wet floor” sign in a grocery store, or failure to notify building tenants about unstable stairs.

We will investigate every aspect of your situation to determine if liability exists, and then pursue all available insurance compensation to provide you with the resources you need to get back to your pre-injury state.

The insurance company will have no shortage of lawyers working to limit your compensation. Shouldn’t you have lawyers working for you? Contact us online or call 507-218-2004 today for a free consultation. From our office in Rochester, we represent people throughout southern Minnesota.