Frequently Asked Car Accident Questions

With the serious injury, financial hardship and cumbersome insurance claims process you face after a car accident, it is understandable that you have many questions about your rights and your options for making things right.

You need answers from attorneys you can trust to look out for you and your family. At Restovich Braun & Associates, we have them.

How Long Is This Going To Take?

This will depend on the specifics of your car accident case and whether the insurance companies are willing to cooperate, and they often are not. While a trial could take months if settlement negotiations do not result in an optimal offer, we can take steps early on to make sure that you receive the medical treatment you need and get the $20,000 of no-fault coverage your own insurance company owes you.

What Is The Process Like?

It is understandable that you are apprehensive about the idea of going before a jury or being deposed by the insurance company’s lawyers. As we pursue your personal injury claim, we will make sure you are prepared for every step in the process and seek to minimize your exposure to the legal proceedings so you can focus on your recovery.

Do I Need A Lawyer For My Car Accident Claim?

You do not need a lawyer, but we highly recommend it. The insurance company will have many lawyers, all highly motivated to work against your interests. Without counsel on your side, your settlement or jury award will likely not be what it could be. This would leave you without the full compensation you need to cover your medical expenses, lost earnings and other ongoing damages.

We will put in the investigative work and hold the insurance company’s feet to the fire at all phases of your case to make sure you receive the best possible outcome.

Are you ready to discuss your options with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney? Contact our firm online or call 507-218-2004 for a free initial consultation. Restovich Braun & Associates is located in Rochester and represents injury victims throughout southern Minnesota.